Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tofu Migas Scramble

I have been having fun trying to create delicious foods while on this vegan adventure.

On Saturday morning my wife encouraged me to make a "tofu scramble" using leftovers and other items that were in the refrigerator.  This became "Tofu Migas", and the flavor was off the charts good.


Firm tofu.   About 1/3 of the package.  Pressed to remove the liquid.  cut into 1/2 inch squares.

1/2 an onion, diced.

1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced.

one ToFurkey sausage, sliced into small discs. 

1 cup raw spinach.

1 tablespoon garlic, diced small

1/2 cup cooked broccoli.

2 corn tortillas, sliced into 1 inch x 2 inch rectangles.

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

1/2 cup black beans 

1/2 cup salsa with green chilies

Saute the onion in olive oil.  Add the all other ingredients in the order of what needs the longest to cook (spinach goes in last).  Voila.  Tofu Migas Scramble.

I welcome anyone to send me recipes, as I still have two more weeks until Lent ends.

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