I found my "Vegan Leaning" lifestyle was toppled over during the holidays. While I have not kept 100% vegan since the end of Lent (back in April 2011), I did do a good job of making "mostly" vegan choices Monday - Friday (Friday at 5 PM began my "eat anything weekends").
***Side note, I did find that I could not splurge on the weekends and go heavy on meat or dairy, as it made me feel like crap until Tuesday. So while I would eat meat and dairy, I had to practice restraint since I have leaned my diet toward the plant based side of things.
Then came the holiday season. The parties, my wife's baking, the relaxed schedule, etc.... all took my will power down a notch and I found myself not paying that much attention to my dietary choices. After Christmas my family took a ski vacation and I had all kinds of things that would no qualify as "Vegan Leaning".
Now that 2012 has begun I am jumping back into my Monday - Friday efforts to eat mostly vegan meals. I know I will still make some choices that do not qualify me for "Vegan of the Year", but I am certain I am healthier than I was before this journey began nearly one year ago.
Feel free to share your vegan story or words of encouragement on the comments section on this post or any of the others. My favorite part of eating vegan has been the conversations I have had with people whom I know and with strangers who stumbled upon this blog.
thom singer
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